Old Orchard Nissan

Apr 3, 2017
Nissan pickup truck

With rising temperatures in the coming months, it’s time to spruce up your Nissan truck. Snow, salt, and cold weather can impact your car’s tires, paint, or wiper blades. To prepare your Nissan truck for the warm season, follow these simple steps.

What Your Nissan Truck Needs Before Spring and Summer

Wash it Thoroughly

Washing your vehicle can get rid of built up salt, dust, or other gunk that has accumulated on the bottom or sides of your car. Without removal, this grime could cause corrosion to your paint and undercarriage that might lead to rust. Using just water with a little pressure should do the trick. Clean and wax your car. Scrub the bottoms of doors and wash out your truck bed.

Lift the hood to check for any debris.  Clean the engine with soap and water. Use a toothbrush, baking soda and water to scrub the corrosion and residue off your battery.  

Don’t forget the inside! Sand, salt, and dirt can easily build up in your cab. Vacuum and clean the carpets with a carpet cleaning spray to avoid tears.

Replace the Wiper Blades and Filters

It is recommended that you replace your wiper blades every six months. Ice and snow can damage the blades. New wiper blades can handle heavy spring showers. Filters can get clogged over time, so make sure to replace them.

Check Your Tires

If you are following the routine maintenance schedule for your vehicle, you shouldn’t need to include a wheel alignment with your spring upkeep. If you’re not sure, talk to your mechanic to see if it is time for an alignment.

Check your tire pressure, as cold weather can affect tire inflation. Also inspect the exterior of your tires to determine if they are wearing evenly or not. Make sure they have enough tread to drive safely during the rainy spring months.

Fill Your Fluids

Proper fluid levels are critical to the performance of your vehicle. Get your oil changed, but don’t stop there. Make sure that your wiper, brake, and coolant fluids are filled to the recommended level.

Get Ready for an Active Summer

Nissan accessories are the perfect perks to help make your summer adventures unforgettable. If you find yourself driving in all types of weather, you may want to get splash guards, which can be helpful all year long.

If you have a boat or a towable camper, you may want to invest in a tow hook or hitch ball. Nissan offers a wide variety of these, so shop around and find the right one for you. If you don’t have the budget for a camper, but love to go camping, Nissan even has a tent that can be set up directly on your truck’s bed.

Need an accessory installed? Martin Nissan in Skokie, Illinois, can handle any servicing or installation you need. Call us to schedule an appointment or order parts for your truck.